Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Day For The Life

Objective: Keep track of a twenty-four hour period of time. Create a chart to display your information effectively. You must successfully use an underlying grid structure. Use the typeface you created in the previous assignment for your title and subtitles.

The title "a day for the life" basically stems from the idea that everyone has something they consider to be "the life." Everything I do in my day goes toward achieving what I consider to be "the life." I wanted to demonstrate this work flow in my design. When I reviewed the data I collected there were three main categories that my activities fell under...family, school, and open(time where nothing was scheduled). I wanted the viewer to be able to look at each category and see the amount it took up in a 24 hour period as well as how it compared, time wise, to the others. To do this I chose a triangular shape. Not only would this allow me to show each category but it would be a continuous flow of time and would reinforce the flow of the piece pointing to "the life." The family category was purposely placed at the base of the triangle because my family is what drives me to achieve my goals.